Sook Jin Ong (she/her; goes by Sook Jin) sees herself as a space-maker, story-weaver, and dreamer who believes in the magic of community and a future of abundance and justice. In her career, she has more than a decade of experience working with state agencies, local governments, and nonprofit organizations through rethinking and redesigning their programs, processes, and policies to be more equitable and center the perspectives of families, frontline staff, and communities. She wears many hats: program designer, facilitator, harvester, instructor, and coach. Currently, Sook Jin is the co-director of the initiative Reclaiming Our Own Time (ROOT) at Nexus Community Partners, focused on leaders from the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities to reclaim rest and their time as a pathway towards liberation. Sook Jin graduated with her Master’s of Public Policy at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs, and recently became a certified coach. Reading and writing poetry is her way to reclaim her stories, self, and place in this increasingly complex world.
Court International Building
2550 University Ave W, Suite 200N
Saint Paul, MN 55114
(612) 887-5004
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